Sunday, March 29, 2009


How do I add friends or links to other blogs on our blog? I have tried to figure it out by myself, but I figured why not ask...Anything helps.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

To add a list of links, there are a few steps.

1. Open up to the blogger homepage. Once you log in, it takes you to what's called your "Dashboard"

2. There should be a section called, "Manage Blogs" at the top of your Dashboard. It'll have your blog name, and some links. There should be a big blue button (New Post) then the links, "Edit Posts – Settings – Layout – Monetize"

3. Click on the link called, "Layout". This will take you to a screen that reads, "Add and Arrange Page Elements" You'll see little boxes on the page. This should look like a layout of your page, only just as little boxes. To the top right of that layout, there should be a link, "Add a Gadget"

4. When you click "Add a Gadget" you will have a little pop-up window with a bunch of different options. Some of these include followers, polls, pictures, AdSense etc. About mid-way through the list there will be one called, "Blog Roll"

5. If you choose the blog roll option, you can enter in the addresses of your friend's blogs, and it will make a list for you. This list will show up on your blog page, and will update itself as people update their blogs. I use this for mine, because it makes it easy to check people's blogs. If you look at the lists on my blog, that's what it can look like when you're done.

I hope this helped, sorry it's so long! If you have any more questions, e-mail me!